Recovery Institute of Southwest Michigan facebook link
Writer’s Workshop

Bring a recovery story, or just a pen and paper or anything else you might like to share with the group. We will be working on our recovery stories, but if you want to work on some other kind of writing such as poetry, short stories, journal writing, novels, or non-fiction, we welcome you. Creativity is like play and thrives in a nonjudgmental environment.

With a general focus on recovery stories the Writer’s Workshop is an open environment to share your own life experiences with a group of similar people. Things such as poetry, short stories, journal writing, novels, or non-fiction are also welcome as an expression of creativity in a healing manner.

This nonjudgmental environment allows each person to share of themselves without the stigmas that can be present in everyday society.

Please have a pen, paper and anything else you wish to bring as we share ideas and inspirations on our journey toward wellness through creativity.